locarnate [–parwise_params <parameters> –tcoffee_params <parameters> –pp_calculater_params <parameters> –help –pairwise_aligner <locarna or exparnap> –output <outputFolder> –library-only <lib-file> –library-name <name> –additional-libraries <list_of_libraries>] <inputFile>
Creates MSAs using different pairwise aligners and TCoffee as a multiple alignment tool
Niklas Meinzer <meinz ern@ infor mati k.uni -fre iburg .de
parameters for the pairwise alignment step
parameters for tcoffee
parameters for locarna_rnafold_pp
path to output folder
if given only a t-coffee library will be written without actual computation
the file name of the produced t-coffee library (default: "input.lib")
a comma separated list of paths to t-coffee library files that should be given to t-coffee in addition to the one generated during this run
which pairwise aligner to use (default: locarna)
each edge from each EPM gets the same weight (exparnap only!)
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